
This is a chronological list of selected talks, travels, and presented posters. Please reach out to me with any question you have and I’d be happy to help.

Upcoming Talks, Travel and Posters

Selected Past Presentations

talk external invited minisymposium 08/2023
Model Reduction of Hamiltonian Systems based on Nonlinear Approximation Methods
ICIAM 2023 | Tokyo, Japan
talk external invited minisymposium 03/2023
Symplectic Model Reduction of Hamiltonian Systems on Nonlinear Manifolds
SIAM CSE23 | Amsterdam, the Netherlands
talk external invited 06/2022
Symplectic Model Reduction of Hamiltonian Systems on Nonlinear Manifolds
30 years of Acta Numerica | Bȩdlewo, Poland
talk external invited 05/2021
How can Model Reduction help reduce Turbulent Transport?
Princeton Stellarator Seminar | virtual
talk external invited 04/2020
Stellarator Optimization
Argonne LANS Seminar | virtual
talk external invited 04/2020
Stellarator Optimization
Cornell SCAN Seminar | virtual
talk external invited 02/2020
Reduced Basis Method for the Wave Equation
ICERM | Providence, USA
talk external invited minisymposium 09/2019
Model Reduction for Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman Equations resulting from Intraday Trading of Electricity.
ENUMATH 2019 | Egmond aan Zee, The Netherlands