
At University of Twente, my research focus is on model reduction, especially structure-preserving model reduction and model reduction on manifolds. In my previous postdoc at Cornell University I worked with David Bindel on stellarator optimization. Before coming to Cornell I worked at Ulm University together with Karsten Urban on the analysis, discretization and model reduction for variational inequatlities with a different ansatz and test space, on model reduction for the wave equation and on Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equations arising in the German Intraday Market.

Research Interests

Model Reduction
Model Reduction

Standard approximations of complex physical systems often result in high-dimensional models with long computing times. To derive efficient evaluable reduced models with guaranteed error analysis, I am working on model reduction methods concerning analysis and application to real-world problems.

Stellarator Optimization
Stellarator Optimization

A stellarator is a device to generate fusion energy. When optimizing the design of the stellarator, several challenges arise due to the complex physical model. Particularly, I am interested in the design of robust coils as well as building reduced models for turbulent transport to accelerate optimization routines.

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Intraday Trading

Due to the rise of renewable energy, short-term electricity markets, especially continuous intraday trading, gains more importance. Thus, in this work, we derive a novel application-oriented model of intraday trading and approximate it numerically.